Leading MOHS & Dermatology Clinics

Mohs surgery is a precise surgical technique used to treat skin cancer. During Mohs surgery, thin layers of cancer-containing skin are progressively removed and examined until only cancer-free tissue remains. According to the American College of Mohs Surgery

(ACMS), the cure rate exceeds 99 percent for new skin cancers and 95 percent for recurrent skin cancers. It has the lowest recurrence rates, highest cure rates and best cosmetic results of any skin cancer treatment.

The clinics perform approximately 1700 Mohs treatments a year and they are the leading facility for Mohs surgery in Europe. They have clinics in 3 different city’s; Amsterdam, Dordrecht (nearby and south of Rotterdam) and Hoorn (nearby and north of Amsterdam).

Every clinic is individually designed with a nice, modern and warm atmosphere and with particular attention to the needs of their patients.
All the clinics meet the highest safety and quality standards regarding organization, safety and hygiene and have all the relevant quality certifications.

All the dermatologists are board-certified and have an official Dutch and European certification as Mohs surgeons.
They are invited speakers and give surgery-workshops on international dermatologic (surgery) congresses.

They form a comprehensive team with their reliable, English-speaking nursing staff and together they make a visit at the clinic comfortable and efficient giving patients the highest level of medical care. 

All doctors are dermatologists and can diagnose and treat the whole spectrum of dermatologic diseases.

They are all specialised in dermato-oncologic care (skin cancer, pre-cancer, moles) and in Mohs surgery, a highly specialized surgical treatment for skin cancer.

Mohs micrographic surgery involves removing a skin cancer one layer at a time and examining these layers under a microscope immediately after they are removed. This procedure allows for a close examination of each layer of skin to detect cancer cells. It also allows a minimal amount of tissue to be removed while making sure that all the cancer cells are removed.

A local anesthetic is injected into the skin before the surgery. The doctor then begins to remove the skin cancer and a small amount of healthy tissue, one layer of skin at a time. Each tissue layer is prepared and examined under the microscope for cancer cells. Surgery is complete when no more cancer cells are detected.

Besides Mohs surgery they also treat a whole spectrum of Dermatological problems such as skin cancer, pre-cancer spots or atypical moles with excision or photo-dynamic therapy.

In their clinics in Dordrecht and Hoorn the medical staff are also specialized in diagnosis and treatment of varicose veins. Patients receive a duplex-examination (ultrasound of the veins) and the best treatment option is chosen for patients such: endovascular laser, sclerocompression therapy or phlebectomy (Müller operation).

The focus of this superb clinical group is to offer patients a highly personalised and fully inclusive service including diagnosis, treatment and follow up. 

Enquire Here for Your Dermatology Treatment


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