Diagnostic Tests

Operations Abroad Worldwide provide a complete diagnostic, surgery and rehabilitation service for all businesses and business professionals through our network of over 80 hospitals in 40 countries worldwide.

We offer extremely quick access for screening, diagnosis, rehabilitation, and surgical treatment whilst delivering clinical levels of excellence in patient care with enhanced patient diagnosis, treatment and recovery times.

There are different teams of specialists from many different fields who work together to ensure that your employees receive highly trained medical expertise coupled with clinical standards of excellence.

We strive to ensure that patients are treated quickly, with care, respect and dignity and with the highest level of service throughout the whole process. 

We provide a Fixed Price Package for all diagnostic tests and surgery procedures which includes all the costs from treatment diagnosis through to post-surgery discharge.

We arrange all types of diagnostic services such as :-

  • CT Scan - Computed Tomography
  • ECG - Electrocardiography
  • MRI - Magnetic Resonance Imaging
  • SPECT- Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography
  • Arthroscopy
  • Ultrasound
  • X-rays
  • Bone scans
  • Full Blood Tests
  • Gastroscopy
  • Colonoscopy

Full Diagnostic Tests can be arranged within 24 hours.

We also arrange all types of surgery including elective surgery and emergency surgery procedures throughout the world which might be needed for the patient’s recovery.

Elective Surgery procedures can be arranged within 7 days and emergency surgery procedures within 24 hours.

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