Innovative Stroke Treatment

Innovative Stroke Treatment in Munich - The Regenerative Health Experience for Stroke Treatment and much more.

Stroke treatment is now available in a specialised regenerative medicine clinic in Munich through an innovative treatment approach called "Cord Blood Infusion Therapy".

"Cord Blood Infusion Therapy" enhances the regenerative activity of the brain cells in stroke patients.

The "Cord Blood Infusion Therapy" is performed by infusing cord blood cells intravenously into the patient. It is done as an out-patient treatment with no overnight hospital stay required.

The infusion of cord blood cells contains donated umbilical cord blood cells from 4 to 8 donors.

To maximize the effects, a dose of more than 50 million cord blood cells per kg of body is infused in each procedure, and the cord blood infusions are administered over the course of 2 to 3 days with each infusion taking about 3 hours per day.

During and after each infusion, patients are attended by doctors and medical staff for close monitoring.

Studies show that cord blood therapy is more effective when administrated soon after the stroke occurs. The sooner the cord blood treatment is applied in parallel with neurorehabilitation, the better the clinical outcome.

In the majority of patients, cord blood infusions have resulted in improvement of cognitive and motor functions. These functional gains become noticeable within the first few weeks after the infusion and continue for the next 3 to 6 months.

Cord Blood Therapy is not intended to be a replacement for standard therapy in the management of stroke patients, however it is an additional therapeutic approach that can provide further improvement in cognitive and motor functions.

The Treatment

The regenerative procedure involves the intravenous infusion of donated cord blood cells in an out-patient setting.

To maximize the therapeutic effects, a dose of greater than 50 million cord blood cells per kg of body weight from 4 to 8 donors is infused in each procedure, and the cord blood infusions are generally administered over the course of 2 to 3 days with each infusion session taking about 3 hours per day.

During and after each infusion, patients are attended by doctors and medical staff for close monitoring.


Patients begin to notice improvements within a few weeks after the infusion. The cord blood cells are eliminated from the patient’s body within 6 to 8 weeks; however, patients experience functional gains over the next 3 to 6 months, with sustained functional improvement.

Achieved improvement is permanent; patients do not experience worsening of the achieved improvement.

Success Rates

Cord blood regenerative therapy results in an improvement both neurologically and functionally. The sooner the cord blood treatment is applied in parallel with neurorehabilitation, the better the clinical outcome as the synergy of cord blood regenerative chemistry and neurorehabilitation can boost neuroplasticity and post-stroke brain repair.


Achieved improvement is permanent; patients do not experience worsening of the achieved improvement. Repeated cord blood infusions might lead to further functional benefits.

Length of Stay in Munich

4 - 5 days

Expected After Care

After completing the treatment and being back home, we recommend subsequent neurorehabilitation (physical therapy, occupational therapy, etc.) for at least 2 – 3 months. The synergy of cord blood regenerative chemistry and neurorehabilitation may boost neuroplasticity and post-stroke brain repair.

In addition, our doctors will be in contact with the patient over the next 6 months to monitor the effectiveness of the treatment.

The Regenerative Medical Specialist - Cord Blood Therapy Expert

With more than 20 years of experience in evidence-based medicine and over 14 years clinical experience in haemotherapy including blood transfusions, as well as transplantation, our leading physician is an international specialist in cancer, chronic degenerative diseases, and regenerative medicine with a doctoral thesis in neurological research, graded with “summa cum laude”.

Potential Side Effects

Adverse reactions to cord blood cell infusions are rare and generally mild.

There is a low rate of potential side effects, such as

• Constipation

• Diarrhea

• Pruritus

• Headache

• Hypertension

• Varied tastes

• Allergic reactions

Almost all of these reactions are only short-term and mostly related to DMSO (Dimethylsulfoxide), a cryoprotective agent that is dissolved rapidly in the patient’s body. Pre-medication including antihistamines before the cord blood treatment significantly reduces the frequency & intensity of these potential side effects.


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